Wednesday, December 31, 2008
check out the buzz

Sunday, December 28, 2008
thanks a latke!
i also scored veganomicon, vegan-a-go-go, AND the vidalia chop wizard suggested as a must have by vegannifer. in fact, the chopper was the gift on the first night of chanukkah. i ran some onions and baked potatoes through the wizard and made those lazy assed latkes shown above. they were hardly effort in slackerdom. truth be told they were actually labor intensive and not as great as i had hoped, which in the eyes of a jew like me is just right. i call them lazy because i bake the potatoes first. here's the recipe:
jewbacca's lazy assed latkes
5-6 baked taters (smallish)
1 medium yellow onion
1 t salt
1 t pepper
1T garlic granules
2T flour
1/4 c of "milk"
2/3 c. of silken tofu
some oil for a fryin'
take a cheez grater and grate the taters n' onions, set aside. in a blender blend the salt, pepper, garlic, flour, milk, and silken tofu to a smooth consistency. mix everything together, but don't mix it too much--you want the mixture to have the stringy potato/onions intact. make patties, and fry the shit outta them in a little bit of oil. for the love of g-d USE A NON-STICK SKILLET, or you will wind up pissed and sad. top the latkes with sour cream, apple sauce, or whatever floats your boat. if your latkes fall apart, fear not. you have hash browns and can smother them in gravy.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
my mug or yours?
Monday, December 22, 2008
aluminum chef

Friday, December 19, 2008
mommas new shoes!

yo-yo-yo, check it. saucony jazz vegan-oatmeal and black hemp shoes. i bought these babies on line from zappos.com. i realize zappos ain't a vegan store, but they DO supply a nice array of vegan shoes with FREE shipping. for me, price was an isSHOE (get it, issue?) and i felt i paid a fair price for these ($48.95, the most i've ever spent on a pair of shoes). i ordered them on a monday and they were on my porch wednesday. they're super comfortable and go with just about everything i own.
chanukkah harry came early this year and got me a nikon camera on sale at target. once i feel comfortable enough using it, i'll start posting new food porn pics. i'm working at detention this sunday, and i use my down time at that job to utilize the enormous industrial sized kitchen to make meals to take home and freeze. i'm feeling real experimental and will probably make some sort of vegan latkes, persimmon pudding, and butternut squash lasagna. yep, you heard me right. squash lasagna.
btw, thanks for all the love and support. i'm doing much better and at more of a place of acceptance about clairisse's passing. i'm grateful for all my friends, family, my bloggin' buddies, and the PPK. i can't imagine going through this alone, and y'all have helped out so much.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
on the mend

Tuesday, December 9, 2008
last night i had to do one of the hardest things i've ever had to do. i had to let go of one of my closest friends for the past 15 years, ms. clairisse von twittletoes.
my eyes burn from crying. i can't fucking sleep. i've been up since 5:15am and i feel guilty for the 3.25 hours of sleep i've managed to get. there are too many words to describe how i'm feeling at this moment. the vet was super cool. he explained everything to me as he was euthanizing her, and i was able to hold her and love her as she fell asleep.
this cat was a present given to me in 1993 when i made a decision to stop drinking. she has been with me through every move, job change, hook-up, break-up, illness, hiring, firing--everything. she was an incredibly outgoing cat that would march right up to a complete stranger, jump on their lap, and insist that she smell their mouth to say hello. if the person didn't comply, she would gently head butt the individual until they submitted to her will. she knew when a human being was suffering and would crawl right into the lap of the injured or depressed and stay there until the crying stopped. she played with toys like she was a kitten. she was known to engage in 'stunt eating' when she wasn't pleased with the contents of her food bowl. she was amazing.
and she will be missed in perpetuity.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
TGIAF (thank g-d it ain't friday's)
this recipe is for the awesome hot artichoke dip from yer pregan days made into a kick assed vegan version. i promise you there are no fingers in this, but you might be tempted to lick your own:
jewbacca's okeydokeyartichokey dip:
- 3/4 c. follow yer heart monterey jack style cheez, grated
- 1/2 c. veganaise
- 2 cloves of garlic (use a garlic press)
- 2 to 3 small zucchinis (shredded with a cheez grater) OR use 1 pkg of frozen thawed chopped spinach. make sure all the water is drained.
- 1 heaping T of crushed red pepper
- 1 t bragg's
- 1 small jar of artichoke hearts
- 1/4 c vegan parmesan
- preheat oven to 350 and spray a 9x9 casserole dish with non-stick spray or olive oil.
- run your food processor on pulse with the artichoke hearts-(juice and all), veganaise, red pepper.
- mix the artichoke blend with the shredded cheeze, zucchini, and bragg's
- bake for 35 minutes. this should get nice and bubbly.
- top with vegan parmesan and bake for another 5-10 minutes.
Friday, December 5, 2008
rubbing me the raw way
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
we've got a thing that's called tater love...

my regular camera died-(RIP), so i've been relying on older food porn photos or using my cheap assed cell phone camera. the picture doesn't do this dish any justice, and i'm mad you can't see the gorgeous, bright, and appetite inducing colors. this was a really good dish of mustard greens mixed with corn, tomatoes, and curry spices. i paired it with some simple broiled tofu. it was tasty, but i don't have a recipe. most things i make are on the fly and i should really start writing down what i put in them so i can replicate the flavors and pass on dish ideas to those who like to use recipes.
Monday, December 1, 2008
meek vegans suffer
In the book "Vegan Freak: Being Vegan in a Non-Vegan World" the authors discuss about how meek vegans suffer, and that a vegan cannot assume that the omni-world will take care of their dietary needs. Making sure your vegan ass is covered during the holidays is super important. I struggled a bit at my in-law's home during the holidays, but I stood my ground. Just look at that plate. Doesn't it look awesome? No animals were harmed while I engaged in some serious un-turkey day nomming.
The struggle was this: we were headed to CO for Thanksgiving. My in-law asked me for a shopping list, and I happily submitted it to her. I was very specific on brand names and where to find these items. I was surprised and super grateful that she was willing to do this for me, because I was honestly willing to do the shopping myself. She purchased some vegan items for me, but it wasn't what I had asked for at all. Again I was super grateful, but how can you can you make a vegan persimmon pudding without earth balance?
I went to the local food co-op and bought said EB and some tofutti cream cheese, no problem. Then came Thanksgiving Day. I was able to get some grean beans to cook with my tofurkey, but when I asked about the presence of milk and butter in the mashed potatoes, she (this is my interpretation) balked and said, "of course." She added, "I was a vegetarian for 20 years and I avoided obvious meat but wasn't so picky about other things." and I stood there quiet for a moment and asked for my own red potato to microwave. I didn't think it was a big deal, but I felt I was treated like it was an inconvenience. I asked about butter in the brussels sprouts and the sweet potatoes. Both were okay, but I could hear the tension in her voice as I asked about the ingredients. "I guess you won't be having rolls either because I made them with powdered milk." Another relative came and brought organic egg nog. "Oh, you won't be having this? Some of my friends take eating vacations just for the holidays." I felt a frothy mixture of anger and sadness because I could have done all the shopping and cooking for myself by myself and not have been such a burden. No, I don't want to take a 'vacation' from my veganism. Lesson learned: even when offered assistance, I will still make my food ahead of time and have it Fed-Exed to the family vacation destination. Or better yet, relax and stay at home with other vegans and let my husband and child hang out with family.
To my vegan blogging buddies I know you can relate, but I want to say something to other omnivores who are trying to be helpful and supportive to other vegans: We sincerely appreciate your effort to help us but WE DON'T WANT BUTTER, MILK, CHEESE, HONEY, OR EGGS IN OUR SIDE DISHES. THEY AREN'T VEGAN IF THEY ARE SERVED THAT WAY. I know it it just seems like vegans are being pains in the ass about this, but we've chosen to be vegan for a reason. While I really enjoy the taste of meat, eggs, cheese, honey, and butter--I can no longer eat these items in good conscience knowing what I know about the factory farming industry. Even "organic" farms abuse their animals. I know that doesn't make sense but that's farming for you. "Happy" organic dairy farms artificially inseminate cows to get them to lactate for human consumption. Once a baby cow is born the cow is often taken from the mother, given formula, and the cow's milk is kept for human use. If the baby cow is a girl, she's pimped off to become a milk maker. If the baby cow is a boy, he goes off to Bovine University as a veal calf or beef cattle. When a momma cow is too old to make milk she is killed, and it doesn't matter if she's raised at a nice organic farm or living in a modern Auschwitz factory farm, it's still murder. The poultry and egg industry is worse. Yes, even "nice" organic hatcheries. This is why I don't want to consume these products. I believe that animals were not meant for us to use and abuse. If you are an omnivore that wants to be supportive of a vegan you must respect this, even if it seems like we're being a pain in the ass. After all, some of us try to be respectful of your odd eating habits.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
happy unturkey day!

Monday, November 24, 2008
whipped topping and butterflies

nico's eats- nicole is a really good friend of mine and a fellow bloomingtonian. her site isn't vegan, but she shares my passion for really good food and does make a considerable amount of vegan and vegetarian items for an omni food blog.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
chili chili bang bang
my vinnie makes a mean vegan chili. i couldn't tell you the recipe, because that's classified information and i don't really know the recipe. just trust me when i say it's vegan. i like to top my chili with guac, soy sour cream, and some frank's red hot sauce. i also like to take chili and make what i call a "diablo dog"-(something i heard once on Strangers With Candy). Here's the recipe for the diablo dog, sorry I don't have a photo.
diablo dog
1 vegan hot dog
1 vegan hot dog bun, buttered with vegan marg.
vegan chili
frank's red hot
chopped jalapenos
chopped onions
dill relish
mustid (hot if ya got it)
fakin' bacon bitz
cheez sauce from vcon
dee-reck-she-oh-nays: cook yer vegan wiener and toast that buttered bun-(GOD that sounds dirty!) place wiener in bun and top with the aforementioned condiments. this will be messy, so you should have some chips to scoop up anything that falls off the dog. tastes great with a cold root beer, or beer-beer if you are into that sort of thing.
triple whipple whoops!
jen (aka jewbacca)
ps-i scored some vegan reddi whip at the food pantry! mostly chemicals, but still vegan. YAY! brand name is classic cream whipped topping.
outta this world

jewbacca's outta this world hot cocoa
1T + 1t. of turbinado, agave nectar, or maple syrup
pinch of clove powder
whisk everything together and cook in a saucepan over med heat. serve immediately in your favorite mug.
Monday, November 17, 2008
yay for carbs!

Friday, November 14, 2008
quick update
Thursday, November 13, 2008
evening at the improv burrito
i made this burrito last friday night. i scored some yams, chipotle peppers, and salsa verde at the food pantry. i took some tortillas and made a burrito filled with yams, said peppers, and some pinto beans i had in the freezer. grilled that burrito good and topped with tofutti sour cream and salsa verde. holy cow that was delicious! i shall call it the "vegannifer" after well, vegannifer because she is notorious for doing amazing things with the contents of her freezer.
my fellow vegan blogging friends, i recently learned a harsh lesson. apparently i've been posting pictures incorrectly on my blogs-(with the exception of my own pictures). that pretty baked potato from a few posts ago was hot linked-(i don't even know what that means because i am so un-tech savvy) and the person's site it belonged to sent me a message that i construed as kind of shitty. so i posted a different picture of a potato, and continued to happily blog-(posting the adorable pic of the squirrel on skis) and i received an e-mail from this person telling me i was still doing it wrong, and i still thought they were being shitty. that's the problem with the inter tubes...you can't see the person face-to-face to know if they're being shitty or not. anyway, it put me on the defense because i get embarrassed when i make mistakes, and i get angry when i feel someone is rubbing my nose in the pee-pee carpet about it. i thanked her for bringing the information to my attention and suggested she channel her energies elsewhere, because i can't imagine i'm the only one in the entire world that has done this. i don't want to have to go back over every entry i've posted in every blog i write and change all this. isn't it enough to know and understand my mistake and commit to not doing it again? how would you respond to this? why do people waste their time policing other people's blogs?
happy friday. now go make an improv burrito!
good lord....again?
Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links.
Let each person know that they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
yes, i want to go there!

1. sugar, do you use regular refined sugar? occasionally i do, but since going vegan i only buy turbinado or organic sugar. it's expensive! with all the baking i do-(about 2 cups worth a week), i'm considering going back to the good ol' white sugar.
2. honey, do you use it? i've done my best to stay away from things with honey in them, but have occasionally gone to a friend's house where they've made dinner for us and the dish has honey in it.
3. why does vegetarian cheese have to have milk protein in it-(i don't use it), and why does vegan cheese cost so damn much? i hardly use vegan cheese for that very reason. if i'm desperate, then i'll buy some follow your heart, but i found in my pregan days i was far too reliant on drowning everything in ranch dressing or cheese.
4. what about personal care products? what if you get a cosmetic item that's free? my family isn't in the financial position to afford vegan ingredients for food AND vegan personal care items. i use things that aren't tested on animals, and i'm still going to be using some items that i've had from my pregan days. any suggestions on cheapie items-(specifically baby products).
5. what about gossip? i don't think gossip is vegan at all. i say this because i was driven away from the vegan way the first time because a) i became vegan for the wrong reasons, b) i didn't have a good vegan cooking education, and c) i hung around some very self-righteous vegan douche bags that lived for making other people-(including other vegans) miserable. i still find the vegan community to be fairly cliquey, but i'm pretty happy with my blogging buddies.
6. many people view veganism as "radical" or "going too far." what aren't you willing to do as a vegan? for instance, i'm not willing to do crazy protesting things that would get me jailed and taken away from my family. i'm not willing to push for veganism in my family-(i've been given the blessing to raise our son vegetarian, but not vegan) so much that i would divorce my spouse because he isn't vegan.
discuss. thanks for reading and i look forward to your responses.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
what can you do with a....

- eat them with toppings. have an official baked potato bar night and fix up some toppings: soy sour cream, gravy, chili, onions, facon bacon bits, caramelized onions, jalapeno peppers, roasted red peppers, cheez sauce, use your imagination! when you use sweet potatoes, you can make sweet toppings: brown sugar n' butter, vegan marshmallow topping, pineapple sauce topping from VWAV. GO CRAZY!
- grate them through a cheez grater and pan fry for some good hash browns or cube them up and pan fry for some awesome american fries. i use the following recipe for home fries: ms. dash, caramelized onions, and facon bacon bits. get 'em good n' crispaaay. top with some frank's red hot and ketchup.
- chop them up and add broccoli or asparagus with them in a casserole dish. mix some cheez sauce from v'con and top with french's french fried onions--voila, yer rockin' the casserole!
- returning to the cheez grater: grate a cooled baked potato and mix with some chopped onion, spices, flour and just enough plain soy milk to hold the mixture together. drop spoon fulls into a non stick pan with a pool of oil. they should look like little bird's nests. latkes! for those of you who don't know what a latke is, it's a potato pancake.
- cubed up as an add in to stews or soups. then you don't have to wait as long for your stew/soup to cook.
- sliced up in long wedges, bathed in a splash of olive oil/bragg's, and dredged in a mixture of ground up dry cereal, paprika, ms. dash, garlic powder, and cornmeal. bake at 350 for 20 minutes. mojos! (((imitating billy bob thorton's voice from slingblade))) "some people call them steak fries, but i call them mojos."
Friday, November 7, 2008
it's all gravy!
i found the dressing on some medical web site of all places. this chinese doctor was discussing the heath benefits of miso. it's a fermented soy/rice product that has a distinctive salty flavor and has beneficial bacteria that will make your tummy and soul happy. i made some changes because i didn't have any garlic or onions around at the time-(the original recipe calls for sauteed garlic and onions), and i'm sure they would have made it even more awesome. here's my version. feel free to tweak it to your own liking.
jewbacca's miso happy gravy
3T white miso
3T whole wheat flour, and an additional T to thicken post-miso
3T nooch (that's what us vegans call nutritional yeast)
1 1/2 T olive oil
1 1/4 c. water (or i imagine plain soy milk would make it richer)
1 1/2 T ms. dash (or generic ms. dash is fine)
heat the oil in a sauce pan. toss in the flour and nooch. brown it a little. pour the water and ms. dash in and whisk to thicken. keep on low heat and babysit your gravy until it gets thick. take the gravy off the heat then add miso. you don't want to cook the hell out of it post-miso because you'll destroy the nutritive properties of it. (nutritious gravy? get the fuck outta here!) add the last T of flour to thicken, but you can omit it if you want. goes great over everything. you'll be mainlining this shit in less than a week.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
all i want for chanukkah...
you know how it is in this country--after halloween has come and gone, every one is promoting the hell outta christmas. well since us jews don't have something as cool as santa, frosty, and rudolph-(we just produce all those awesome shows) we have to play up our lame ass choliday of chanukkah and pretend that it's just as cool as yours. eight nights of candle lighting and fried tater pancakes compared to an explosion of animatronic sparkly lawn ornaments, endless cookies, and a fat man that leaves you presents? the heebs just don't measure up. over the years i've come to making a list and becoming a leech that sucks off the the teat of x-mas. i call the list my chanukkah harry list.
and here's what i want:

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Monday, November 3, 2008
food review monday

i'm bummed that a company like kashi makes meals that have animal products in them. if they are a company that is truly dedicated to healthy living, why would they peddle omni food? i think i'll write them a letter and thank them for providing vegans with options and encourage them to come up with more meals that don't utilize animal products rather than bitching about them selling food with meat in it. it's all about the approach when writing a thank-you letter. i can't tell you how many times i've seen comment cards at co-ops and restaurants that slam the establishment for what they fail to do instead of what they are doing right. i think those kinds of letters make us vegans look like whiny negative assholes.
with that being said, i urge y'all to write one thank-you note to a food company, restaurant, or store for carrying a vegan item. spread the love!
Friday, October 31, 2008
MOFO closing comments
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
it's pot pie season!

this week was lazy week at our home and i needed some vegan frozen items for lunches. since it's getting colder outside, i felt it was appropriate pot pie weather. i saw some amy's dinners on sale at kroger's and picked this one just to eat and review it for the blog. like so many of amy's dinners i found it to be adequate. the crust is whole wheat, but dry. IMO, if you're gonna eat a pot pie, the crust should be nice and full of buttery-like-flaky goodness. not so here. the insides were good and needed no salt. it was satisfying, but not so awesome that i'd want to purchase it again. it just made me want to make one myself!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
U-G-L-Y, you ain't got no alibi..
there will be no food porn shot of said soup. it looks disgusting. it does taste absolutely yummy and is super easy to prepare. you'll be done in less than 15 minutes. so, without further aideu:
Jewbacca's Looks Like Barf but Tastes Like Heaven Bean Soup
1 can refried beans
1 can water
1/2 c. nooch
1/2 t. wet mustard
3T Bragg's
2T lime juice
empty the beans in a pan, fill can with water, and dump in pan. add other ingredients and whisk together. cook like soup-duh. i topped mine with salsa and soy sour cream, but i'm sure this would also taste good with fakin' bacon bits in it. use your imagination, but i guarantee the end result will still look like throw-up.
happy eatin' y'all!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
spoon fed

Friday, October 24, 2008
where can you find vegans?

Thursday, October 23, 2008
accidental potluck

today we had an accidental potluck at work. i brought some green beans with homemade plum sauce and some butternut squash soup from VWAV to share with my co-workers. my boss (and inspiration for getting back to the veg way) brought some curried lentil and sweet potato over rice dish with the same intentions. BLAMO! potluck happened in the mail order department. this pic isn't the best but it looks great, huh?
so go do it...right NOW. go have an accidental potluck. get those dishes sittin' in the fridge that you couldn't possibleh eat by yer lonesome and go share it with a couple o' peeps who have the same thing. the results could be interesting!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
i croak, you croak, we all croak for artichokes!
then a week later i saw more artichokes at the food bank. i picked them up and looked up an article on how to properly cook and eat an artichoke. i felt my face turn red hot as i realized i wasn't eating them right and that i had wasted such a beautiful, tasty, and expensive treat. my friends mari and tony came over that night to eat with us and mari showed me how to nom an artichoke. i learned that the artichoke isn't a vegetable per se, but it is a giant thistle! since then i've become a born-again okey dokey artichokey head. my favorite dipping sauce is some veganaise mixed with balsamic vinegar and ms. dash. pictured above i used the tahini dressing from VWAV and it was also supremely righteous. you can also trim and eat the stems.
my favorite part is getting to the choke. it looks so obscene! i like scooping the chokey part out and noshing the bottom-(gosh, that sounds so dirty as i type this!). the bottom is completely different from the flesh on the leaves. it melts in your mouth!
MOFO question: what food item have you tried that you didn't really know how to prepare or eat? what did you do? do you like it now?
MOFO survey part deux
Monday, October 20, 2008
i've been tagged!
well, chelsea tagged me. i've never been very good at tag. who should i tag? when i was a child, i was a fat kid and couldn't run very fast so i could never tag anyone.
looketh at my freezer. as you can see there's some vegan representation, but you can also see the stuff my omni husband eats. on the bottom shelf in the plastic ware are all the frozen fruit concoctions that i use for smoothies. the keys are for my teething son.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
name this dish!