since going vegan, i lean a little towards the excessive in the most positive way! what started out to be a simple craving for some chips and salsa turned into this magical basket of nachos:

this shall be called the
inflexitarian supreme, named for mr.
footface. ol' footy has this thing about wanting losers to speed up, and i'm certain he's a whirling dervish of fists and elbows hollerin' the what fors and the what-have-yous to anyone who will listen. when he's not posting odd photos in the foyer, being an amazing dad to his son OP, a cool spouse to ms. footface,
managing his blog, or editing really rad books, i'm sure he's eating a big bowl of nachos. he has the time, fer sure. fun fact: this is snack is gluten free!

to throw this concoction together here's whatchoo need:
- tortilla chips
- can of red kidney beans*-(RINSE 'EM, damnit! that sodium laced bean juice is gross)
- 1c. of salsa of your choice
- 1T of ms. dash chipotle
- 1T of your favorite hot sauce
- soy sour cream*
- black olives
*=read labels and look out for those pesky gluten type ingredients. some beans are soaked in a sugary wheat sauce. yes, you heard me correctly. wheat sauce. ick.
daiya cheese sauce is made by melting 1/2 c. daiya cheddar with a little EB and splashes of soy milk over med-low heat. this sauce reminds me of the vat of cheez sauce served at 7-11 stores across the country, a little bland. i don't know how to fix that. maybe some nooch? hurry up, though because your tummy is growling, right? throw some chopped pickled jalapenos in there if you feel like livin' on the edge.
i don't think nacho assembly instructions are needed because everyone should know how to do this. just make it look like the photo. that's 50% of cooking in a nutshell.
Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa wait..Footface has a blog?
(I heart your nachos, jb!!)
OMG those are some super awesome looking nachos. I'm making soup, but I might just have to scrap that and bake up some freakin' nachos. I've never made daiya into sauce...hhmm.
That looks SO good!
Oh my god why why why am I making actual dinner and not NACHOS?!?!?!?!
It's a good thing I'm making something from Viva Vegan, or else I'd be tempted to toss it and go for a nacho dinner!
Okay, so I don't have the sour cream, olives (yuck-o), or salsa in the house, but I do have chips, beans, hot seasonings and sauce, and Daiya, so I think this will become my guilty pleasure snack after the kiddo's bedtime. (He doesn't like spicy stuff anyway.)
Those nachos are bangin'!
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