Sunday, December 26, 2010
this dish is the shiznat

Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Chappy Christmachanakwanzikafestivus

to make the latkes, just get some day old mashed potatoes, mix in some panko bread crumbs, onions, and some fresh garlic. you know me--i don't know the measurements. just eyeball it for christmas sake. fry them in a non-stick pan with a little olive oil. you'll need to flip them back n' forth a while until you get the perfect golden brown color. preheat yer oven to 200 and keep 'em in there until everyone is ready to nosh. i like to serve mine with a little tofutti sour supreme and some dill. applesauce is good too, but i'm more of a savory gal when it comes to latkes. these would also be good with some gravy or sauteed veggies.

these mildly obscene looking buckeye balls are from her zine papa tofu and are highly addictive, so much that they are illegal in 20+ states. the most omni of omnis love these and they're also gluten free! seriously, you can whip these up really fast and have them ready for the next holiday soiree you're attending. you'll also want to make a back up batch because you'll need some of these in the icebox to snack on between dysfunctional brawls when everyone comes over for festivus. everyone will think you slaved over them, but i know your dirty secret. so does santa.
Friday, December 17, 2010
i'm back from vacation!

actually, i didn't go anywhere but crazy! seriously folks, i needed a bit of a break after MOFO. i love all things blogging and really put my heart and soul in it this year. once the month was over, my brain was fried like a voodoo doughnut, and well--i ate that doughnut with some coffee and waited for a new brain to grow.
so what have i been up to? making holiday goodies. i shall post on those later--let's just say that balls are involved. tasty balls. (((giggling like beavis and butthead))) i didn't forget the latkes, either.
i've also been evaluating what i want to do as a blogger. i want to bring more readers to visit TPITA vegan and share cooking secrets, fun, and stories to vegans and non-vegans alike. one way i'm planning on doing this is by attending the VIDA VEGAN CONFERENCE out there in that holy land they call portland. i have no idea how i'll get the moulah to get there, but i'm so going to be there absorbing every morsel of wisdom excreted from talented vegans worldwide. won't you join me?
i still want to donate to mother hubbard's cupboard. i thought i had more than 17,000 hits, but it didn't end up being that much. my counter was wrong and i only had 4,000. my doll baby of a spouse matched this amount, so i donated a total of $30 to them. at the hub it takes $10 a day to feed someone, so with everyone's help, we managed to feed a person for 3 days! thanks so much. i hope to generate enough hits to make a donation of at least $10 a month to them. that's doable, right? this also means i'll blog more. now that i'm back, i'm making a personal goal of at least three posts a week.
i also want to think long-term goals as an aspiring vegan chef. i actually DON'T want to write a cook book. there are way too many out fabulous publications out there, and i want to share the magic of those books and the good times of being a vegan with others by cooking for people. i'd like to have my own personalized chef services available for the people of my community in 5 years. i KNOW i can do this. if anyone knows anyone who has done this or has done this themselves, drop me a line.
so what's the picture of? well that's the rare and beautiful black bean chili flower. see, you don't have to have mad chef skills to make a simple dinner beautiful. you just need some imagination. i dare you to try to have some fun with something simple and send me a picture of it. make a funny face sandwich. make a cupcake monster. go wild! i served some black bean chili with extra veggies over a bit of rice-(you can't see it), and i surrounded it with avocado slices to serve as the petals. the center of the flower is some salsa verde. i served this with some chips and watched true blood.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
day#30: in closing

cooking something for someone is one of many ways to express love to others. i cook for myself because i love me. i cook for other people and share food because i love the people close to me. think about it: you have to find out what someone likes, find a special recipe or come up with one on your own, take the time to find the perfect ingredients, make the food, present the food, watch them eat, and clean up after wards. it's a process we take for granted.
so--schmaltzy as this ending may be, i thank you for stopping by and visiting my blog. i look forward to seeing the end numbers at foodbuzz and writing a check to my local food bank. i couldn't have done this without everyone's support.
eat well, be well, and don't forget that someone out there needs you.
xo jen
Monday, November 29, 2010
day#29: dropping the ball

vegan foodies, i give you the GK's tricked out squash
you'll need:
- one acorn squash
- 2 c. SOAKED bulghur*
- 2 cloves of garlic, via garlic press
- one smallish onion, chopped
- 9 sun dried tomatoes, cut into thin strips with kitchen shears
- 1/2 roasted red pepper cut into strips
- 1 T. ms. dash basil blend
- 2-3 portobello mushrooms, chopped
- 1/4 c. balsamic vinegar
- 1/2 t. salt
clean, halve, scoop, and roast that squash at 375 for about 45 minutes. NOTE: brush halves w/olive oil and poke holes in flesh with fork. put a little water in each half and cover with foil too!
saute onion, garlic, and mushrooms in a little olive oil on low-med heat. add vinegar, salt, roasted red pepper, bulghur and toss in the sun dried tomatoes last. simmer for a few minutes. when acorn squash halves are done, fill each half with this mixture. you can earn extra points by drizzling a little extra olive oil on top too.
*to soak bulghur: 1 part water to one part bulghur. EXTRA NOTE: you can use any grain or small pasta for this. quinoa or rice for you GF peeps, and i believe couscous or orzo would work well with this!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
day#27: some things just don't need promotion

if you're a pie hater, i don't want to know you. i'm sure a few of you exist--you just haven't had really good pie yet. oooh, so you're a cupcake person? i'm not. i suppose you feel the same way about me. i hope you're not going to convince me it's hip to pay $4 for a fancy schmancy cupcake, because i'm not out to convert you. i'm happy you don't like pie, because there's more for me. pies 4 eva!
pies4eva is a post punk kitchen forum member, and i love her dearly. i met her on the playground, the parenting section of the forum. if you have little sweet potatoes, i highly recommend going there to read/share/vent any and all things parent related. screw those other parenting message boards.
so this pie--it's wolfie's pumpkin pie recipe from vegan-a-go-go. i subbed sweet potatoes for the pumpkin and used EB/oil blend for the crust. it was a really nice way to seal the deal on our thanksgiving dinner. the topping didn't turn out the way i thought it would. i envisioned more of a struedely like topping and it just sank in the pie. sugary and nutty morsels throughout the pie was really rad anyway, but not intentional. perhaps that happened because of using the potatoes? who knows.
Friday, November 26, 2010
day#26: dinner in a tzip

you can read all about latkes and baba ganouj by clicking on the links. i don't have recipes for either, i just can make them on command and they turn out great every time. being jewish and all-- sometimes i wonder if i've been genetically programmed to make both, but i doubt it, i'm about as jewish as a Qdoba is Mexican.
so from one heeb to the other, i dedicate this babagalatke to tzippy who writes for the jewish vegan. i don't even know if she's on the new ppk boards. so many people have changed their names i can't keep up with them.
so tzippy, this one is for you--the latke is simply called "esquire."
happy eating!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
day#25: grateful for choices

point in case: mo betta vegan's meat cake. in my opinion, it has been the holy grail of MOFO entries. she was inspired by vegansaurus who was inspired by someone else. why would a vegan call a meatless meal "meat cake?" well, meat isn't just flesh of animals, it is the protein of nuts, beans, and can be used to describe fruits and vegetables. examples: say, that's a meaty tomato you have there. boy that peach i ate yesterday was super juicy and fleshy. get it? mo's cake gave me the muse for our family thanksgiving dinner. here's what i did:

so who's the post dedicated to? all of us. human or animal, vegan or not vegan, whoever you are, wherever you are, you are loved dearly by someone. even the biggest, stinkiest turd on the planet has someone who cares for them. i wish every day were like thanksgiving so we could all think about that.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
day#24: it's getting later and later--what's a gal to do?

so i improvised. i grabbed some vegan grahams covered them with vanilla dandies-(omnis: these are vegan marshmallows) and some kroger valu-brand chocolate chips. NOTE: @$1.50 a bag, that's some cheap vegan chocolate!

this snacky doo is called "alien on toast" and dedicated to BAPS and her blogging talents via her spectacular blog also called alien on toast.
what's on the menu for thanksgiving? well, i have been way inspired by mo betta vegans meatcake. she will forever go down in MOFO blogging history for that epic noshable.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010
day#23: a different kind of stuffing

"oh the irony" kitchen sink compote-(also makes a great pie/tart filling)
- 2 apples chopped
- 1 cup of black berries, frozen
- juice of 1 pomegranate
- 1/3 c vegan powdered sugar
- 1 chopped pear
- 2 T instant tapioca
- 1/2 t cinnamon
- 1/4 t cardamon
- 3/4 t ginger
- 1/3 cup apple juice
- 1 orange, peeled and torn apart
- 1 clementine, peeled and torn apart
oven: three fiddy. wash fruit, peel the apples/pear. add other fruits, juice, and mix in sugar/spices/tapioca. mix this well! cover with foil and let it do its thing for about 30 minutes. it'll get nice and bubbly. let it completely cool before sticking it in the fridge. makes really rad stuffing for pancakes. NOTE: you can really use any fruit blend, i think. i've never tried tropical fruits, just play around with it and see what happens. i'm lucky this combo worked. it's not my fault if some wacky combo doesn't work for you.
Monday, November 22, 2010
day#22: does your food have a face?

i'm dedicating this power lunch to ms. terry hope romero because she's a doll face. i'm so grateful for all of the amazing vegan chefs that make vegan eating one of the best things i've ever done for myself.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
day#21: is butt kissing vegan?

that question has crossed my mind once or twice since i've started the mofo ppk cafe theme. technically, if the butt kissing were literal and it humiliated or brought suffering to an animal, then it wouldn't be vegan. the quest i've been on this month hasn't been an exercise in brown nosin'. i just really wanted to thank this awesome community for helping make veganism so fun, easy, and tasty. this is not the veganism i participated in a decade ago where i did it for all the wrong reasons, didn't know how to cook, and didn't really understand why i was making the choices i was making. i was doing it to be a follower.
my following days are over. i happily bang my own drum all day long.
there will probably be names that don't get mentioned this month and that's not intentional. there are too many people to mention that make every day life for me a blessing. i just lacked the time to come up with a dish for every single forum member.

Saturday, November 20, 2010
day#20: who doesn't like brinner?

i'm pretty picky about my tofu scrambles and only have really enjoyed one other recipe for it outside of my own. i used to attend michigan womyn's music festival and the scramble they made there was amazing. i quit going for reasons of activism, they have a policy that only "womyn born womyn" may attend which is wrong in my book. but this ain't no activism blog-( tenting fingers--or is it?) this is a food blog. i'll happily discuss gender politics with y'all in another forum, if you'd like.
this variation of my scramble is dedicated to tofulish. i really, really, really like her. she's the kind of person that makes you think about things outside of the box in a way that isn't argumentative which is a fine art to practice. i paired the scramble with a blend of roasted potatoes and a whole wheat bagel. i shall call this the legal eagle brinner.
to make the scramble:
- 1 pkg super firm tofu, drained
- 1/3 cup nutritional yeast
- 1 small onion diced
- 5-6 cloves of roasted garlic, smooshed
- 1/4 c. mustard
- 1T miso
- pinch of pepper
- 1 t braggs
- 6-8 sun dried tomatoes, cut into thin strips with kitchen shears
with a T of olive oil, saute onions. in a mixing bowl, mash the other ingredients together with gloved or clean bare hands into a smooshy ricotta cheese like texture. make sure this is mixed well. put mixture into skilled with sauteed onions and cook until warm and browned. serve with your favorite carby sides and enjoy.
Friday, November 19, 2010
day#19: it's so cheasy to fall in love...

readers, i give you fo' sheezy my cheezy sauce dedicated to mollyjade at the ppk. she requested a kugel, but i ran out of time. i know she likes broccoli and i hope she likes fake cheese. scratch n' sniff baby, scratch n' sniff....
you'll need
- 3/4 c roasted butternut squash-bright orange
- 2T veganaise-white
- 1/3 c. nutritional yeast-yellow
- 1 t samba oelek-deep red
- 1/2 avocado-bright green
- 1/4 t mustard-deep yellow
- splash of lemon juice
- 1T miso-golden color
- 1/4 salt
- 1/8 plain non dairy vegan creamer-white
i blended everything together and heated it on low heat. i spooned it over steamed broccoli and it was divine. this makes a very thick cheez sauce, so you may want to add more liquid ingredients to thin things out if you feel so inclined.
thanks for reading and happy eating!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
day#18: woah, i almost didn't make it!

i don't think richard dean anderson or just mumbles would really mind.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
day#17: it's what's on the inside that counts

Tuesday, November 16, 2010
day#16: twofer tuesday for the gluten free peeps
this first dish was a dish that could have been a disaster, but i didn't give up hope. i hate wasting food. i wanted to make a gluten free dessert without chocolate-(a super challenge for me) and thought, hmmm--it's been a while since i've had rice pudding. i think i'll make some. i looked over tons of vegan rice pudding recipes on the web. i moaned: i did NOT want to wait 4+hours to make it. i had an idea. what about putting the rice+milk in the rice cooker? it should work, right? it made the whole house smell like christmas, but the rice didn't cook. fail.
instead of tossing it all in the compost pile, i put the dish in a tupperware container and added more milk, and i let that soak overnight. the next day i reheated it in a pan with some smashed bananas, topped with some homemade raisins-(made by my own rabbi) pecans, a dot of EB, and just a touch of agave nectar. this turned out to be a better than average save! i brought some to work and had my omni and vegetarian employees try it. they both liked it quite a bit.
i'll call that little treat a cup of hope rice puddin' for mittenmachen, one of the ppk gluten free girls. her blog is really cute, and her food photography is wonderful!
here's how i made the pudding--feel free to make the rice first so you can avoid the failure.
in the rice cooker:
1 c sushi rice +2 c water. set your cooker to "cook" and walk away
- 2 c non dairy milk
- 2 t cinnamon
- 1/4 t cardamon
- 1/2 t ginger
- pinch of nutmeg
- 1 t vanilla
- 3 overripe bananas
mix cooked rice with other ingredients under low/med heat until nice, thick, and sticky. garnish with raisins, pecans, dot with EB-(or not), and a touch of agave nectar. this makes a great breakfast.

titty baby mushroom whores d'vores:
you'll need:
- a bunch of button mushrooms, medium to large in size. wash 'em and scoop out the caps n' junk.
- 1 1/4 c. cooked quinoa
- 1 t powdered seaweed
- 2 big T veganaise
- 1.5 t red pepper flakes
- juice of a lemon
- pinch black pepper
- 1 t bragg's
- 1/2 c. daiya cheddar cheese-set aside
preheat the oven to 350. got yer mushrooms ready? grease a cookie sheet or rub some olive oil on a glass baking dish. mix the cooked quinoa and everything else-(except that cheese) and stuff that mixture lovingly into the caps. be gentle so you don't break the mushrooms. now, set these tittie babies in the baking dish/on cookie sheet take little bits o' the cheez and top them all. if you want to really go big, top 'em with fakin' bacon, but most bacon bits have wheat in them, and that would negate the whole GF thang.
cook uncovered for about 15-20 minutes. if you like a soggy mushroom cover with foil. enjoy!
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