The event had just the right amount of people. I felt like I was able to give everyone right amount of attention and goodies. A couple of people gave more than what I asked for, which was really awesome, and one friend who couldn't attend made a nice donation. Thanks, Adam! I ended up raising $81 which will help me pay for a sitter while I'm gone ($45 and that's for cheap care from friends) for bus fare while at the conference, and to pay for any other incidental expenses. My super awesome spouse has helped me with a plane ticket and a cheap hotel room on Sunday night. I'm overjoyed with all of the support I've received to attend. Someone even sent me a pair of vegan shoes to wear! I feel like Cinderella.
I got to practice more gluten free baking for people, and although the whoopie pies from the photo above were crumbly, they were well received. I need to do something about my xantham gum rebellion. I know I really need to use it for GF success, but can't bring myself to spend $13 on a bag of it. Hmmm.
These were the pb no bakes from Vegan on the Cheap, and Celine Steen's chickpea blondies from the Have Cake Will Travel blog are hanging out in the background. These were the two most popular sweets at the party.
If you're a dedicated reader of my blog, you'll know I'm a huge fan of True Blood. This season is turning a little schmaltzy for my liking, but that didn't stop me from making Lafayette's Red Velvet Brownie Bites. I topped them with the cream cheese icing recipe from VCTOTW. I tried making my own cream cheese icing without tofutti, but it was a semi-fail. Didn't work for the brownie bites, but worked well with the cinnamon rolls I made. Recipe for LRVBB to follow this entry.
This last gem was a vision I had while eating something else. Do you get those? I have food visions all the time. Kind of funny how that works. I'll be in the middle of a sandwich and think, ZOMG, you know what would be great with this? This is the lower fat banana bread from Veganomicon, with a shot of homemade strawberry/pineapple jam on the inside and topped with Riki's chocolate icing from the whoopie pie recipe, which is my official go to chocolate icing recipe forever. Who knew sweet potatoes would make such a great frosting? Word up, tater lovers. I call the finished project banana split muffins.
Lafayette's Red Velvet Brownie Bites
1/2 c EB OR 5 T of canola oil-(NOTE-I don't always have EB around the house. If you go this route, note they'll be a bit crunchier on the outside, but very soft n' chewy on the inside.)
1 1/2 c. beet sugar
1 t vanilla
2T flax seed meal+ 6T warm water, set aside
1 1/4 AP flour
1/4 t. salt
3T cocoa powder. The better the powder, the better the bite.
1 1/2 T red food coloring
1/2 c. melted chocolate chips
First things first, get some nice music going and put those chips on a double boiler. Take the vanilla, sugar, flax seed eggs, oil and mix. Mix in the food coloring. It will look very creepy.
Take your dry ingredients: flour, salt, and cocoa and sift. There's nothing worse than biting into something with cocoa lumps in it. Sift it! I'm watching you.
Preheat the oven for three fiddy, and get a mini cupcake pan out lined with papers. Mix the wet with the dry. Now add that melted chocolate. It will be super thick. Spray a measured tablespoon with canola oil and put measured T scoops in each mini muffin liner. Don't over fill! Set the timer for 10 minutes and check on them with a tooth pick. Set the timer for an additional 3-4 minutes, or until the toothpick comes out clean. Dollop the top with your favorite cream cheese icing. NOTE-don't freak out if they're a little hard on the outside, they're nice chewy, n' fudgy on the inside.
I have not tried this, but I double dog dare you to make the brownie bites Brujo Brownie Bites in honor of Lafayette's boyfriend, Jesus. To do this add 1/2 t cinnamon, 1/4 t cayenne pepper, and a pinch of clove powder. I know I'm doing this next time. I'm also going to play around and see if I can go old school and make red velvet without red food coloring.
Jewy's Top Ten List for today: favorite vegan personal care products
1. Nature's Gate Henna Shampoo
2. Light Mountain Henna Hair Color. Tip: a little goes a long way. Use half now and keep the other half dry until later, that way it is $3+ per color session.
3. Kiss My Face olive oil lotion
4. California Baby Calendula and Lavender calming baby lotion
5. Tish n' Snookie's Manic Panic Makeup, that gothy collection
6. Giovanni pump mousse
7. Toms of Maine Apricot Deodorant
8. Kiss My Face peach face lotion-(discontinued! Boo.)
9. Avalon Organics citrus face wash
10. Kiss My Face Lemon Lime facial cleanser-(Also discontinued. Sheesh.)
I'm looking for a perfume that doesn't make me smell like an old lady at church. Any suggestions? What are your favorite vegan personal care products?
I'll set myself a reminder to bring xanthan gum and whatever other GF stuff I've got for you to the conference. I used it about twice to bake for friends, and we sure could use the cabinet space!
Awesome idea to raise money! It all looks tasty.
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