Saturday, June 4, 2011

memorial day munchies!

not much time to talk. too busy! here are our eats from last weekend. above are buttermilk pancakes stuffed with strawberry rhubarb pie filling. i need to do a youtube tutorial for my stuffed pancake approach. i'm on it.
i picked some greens from the yard
the haul made some big ol' salads.
here we have a salad quartet that will make the taste buds sing: homemade baked beans, cole slaw w/a creamy basil dressing, potato salad, and tu-no salad.
i took it easy on the bbq and had the gardenburger ribz. i just didn't want to spend a hot day making seitan ribz. served it with some potato salad made with the aji sauce from viva vegan, cole slaw, and home made baked beans. i highly suggest making cole slaw with fresh basil. it was a gamble that worked out in my favor. the flavor of basil goes really well with the cool vegan mayo and shredded cabbage and carrots.

so, what did you eat for memorial day?


foodfeud said...

My memorial day was a bust! My boyfriend was working so I was all alone until too late to cook up a fun meal. I had a vinaigrette-y coleslaw prepared but just ate it the next day. BOring! Your salad, however, is one of the best things I've seen in a while. said...

You definitely need to do a you tube tutorial for your stuffed pancakes, they look amazing!