i've tried making seitan buffalo "wangs" before, but
bianca's recipe puts mine to shame. since it's a tester recipe, i've been sworn to secrecy and therefore can't really tell you what's in it, but just trust me when i say it is so awesome, that this is the ONLY way we'll prepare seitanic wangs in the jewbacca household.
the ONLY way.
Hey...when they's the right wangs, they's right! Looks goooood!
I like the new blog layout, girl :)
Aw, thanks man! That makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I think I also have that same green plate. Is it kinda square-ish and made from that weird plastic that isn't microwavable? If so, same plate!
Awww....what about my hot wings? Now I'm sad...even though these look REALLY delicious and perfectly crispy.
Mmmmm... can never have enough seitan wing recipes.
awwww, what a TEASE! I desperately need a buffalo wing recipe - any suggestions if you're not giving us this one ?? :(
This is the lone holdover item from the non-vegan days I've yet to find a suitable substitute for.
...with football season nigh upon us, this is a tough time for me.
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