so this will be my last post until october. i need a few days to take a break, stock up the food porn photos, and get some ideas in line for veganmofo 3. * note the link holds the guidelines for last year. if you're interested in participating this year, see kittee's blog and drop her a line. at first i thought i'd have a theme, but with the hectic life i lead, i'll be lucky to get a quick entry in every day during the mofo. i'm pretty excited to read my bloggin' buddies entries during this time and hope to get some new recipe ideas.
Monday, September 28, 2009
one more post before vegan mofo 3
so this will be my last post until october. i need a few days to take a break, stock up the food porn photos, and get some ideas in line for veganmofo 3. * note the link holds the guidelines for last year. if you're interested in participating this year, see kittee's blog and drop her a line. at first i thought i'd have a theme, but with the hectic life i lead, i'll be lucky to get a quick entry in every day during the mofo. i'm pretty excited to read my bloggin' buddies entries during this time and hope to get some new recipe ideas.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
GUMBO! bring on tha crunk parte tres
and while i can't tell you the recipe, i can tell you that it has tempeh in it, hence the name tempeh GUMBO! and it also has okra in it, because that seems to be standard for 99.9% of GUMBO! recipes, so i don't think i'm leaking out any big trade secret on my part. the big mistake i made was getting very large okra at the farmer's market. i don't like the stuff, but i thought bigger meant better. not the case. if you want to like okra, you should use the small stuff. if you want to scrub your skillet, then get the bigguns. that shit was tough and fibery, like eating little tubes of paper towel. fortunately, the okra was so huge i just picked it out and proceeded to enjoy my GUMBO! with a nice tomato, onion, pickle, and veganaise sammich.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
i ***heart*** care packages
i do have mad plans to hell-or-high water post a snipit every day during the upcoming VEGAN MOFO. what's dat, you ask? it's the Vegan Month Of Food and it's a group of bloggers from the PPK who more or less commit to blogging about all the cool shit you can eat while vegan. since it's in the month of october and i'll just be getting bigger with that bebeh in mah belleh, i have a couple of themes in mind, but i'm gonna tease y'all by not telling you what it is, so please stay tuned.
the pic above is a care package that was sent to me by a fellow PPKer that i've met and have become really fond of. out of respect of her privacy, i won't reveal her identity--but i'll tell you what she sent me was just AWESOME: snazzy decaf coffee beans from one of her local beaneries, mimicreme-( a vegan creamer made with nuts, not soy), pacifica mexican hot chocolate soap-(which makes me smell really really edible), and her own homemade blend of cocoa that is just OUT OF THIS WORLD and puts my own recipe to shame. when i made it, i used 1/3 cup of the mimicreme and 2/3 cup of regular soy milk just to make my cocoa more decadent. oy, the sweetness! this package really made my rosh hashana very sweet. so thank you, ppk buddy--you know who you are!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
product review! NOTE: not food related

here's the problem. it smells good, but it's only effective if you apply it every few hours. i found that at the end of the day even though i've showered and used this stuff, i reek with the stench of a gutter punk that has been attending a protest. pee-yew! and all of you gutter punks, yes--i DO love you, but not the funk. that's why i don't think i ever really fit in with y'all.
i think i'll stick with the old tried n' true crystal stick deodorant. y'know, the stuff you buy at the co-op that's just a salt stick that lasts for five or six years. that stuff rocked and to my knowledge was perfectly vegan.
Monday, September 14, 2009
it's too late...

i added chocolate chips because that's how i roll.
sorry i've been gone for a few days. take one part pregnant lady, add one sick toddler, then stir in a generous portion of that pregnant lady getting said toddler's illness and viola! you have me over the past few days. not pretty.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
i'm coo-coo for coconuts! bring on tha crunk part deux

yeah-yeah, the recipe? sorry that's classified information, sweetie pies. you'll just have to buy the cookbook when it comes out.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
bring on tha crunk part one

the ONLY way.
Monday, September 7, 2009
harvest time!

jen's southwest scramble
- 1 package firm tofu in a carton
- 1/3 c. nooch
- 2T yellow mustard
- 1/4 c. corn
- 1/4 c. black beans
- 2T chopped pimentoes
- 1/2 t cumin
- 1/2 ground coriander
- 1/2 turmeric
- 1/4 c. chopped onion
- 1 clove of minced garlic-(more if you want, i tend to not be garlic-centric this pregnancy)
- dashes of bragg's
- dashes of frank's red hot
saute garlic and onion in a T or two of your favorite oil. make sure your tofu is pressed well. i press mine between two plates with a 5 lb hand weight on top, dumping the water every 10 minutes. if you're pressed for time-(pun intended) you can gently squeeze with your hands, but make sure that tofu has most of the water out of it. it really makes a difference with the scramble.
with some clean hands, mush it well in a bowl-(to the consistency of ricotta cheese) and add all the other ingredients. place in the frying pan with the onions and garlic and cook over med. heat. i like to cook mine for a while until it gets a little brown and crispy. top with fresh salsa and serve with some home fries.
upcoming posts: i've been crunkin' it up in the kitchen for bianca. i'll have not one, not two, but three posts dedicated to her recipes this week!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
sailing the seas of cheez

and i haven't really found a vegan cheez i've liked. the commercial stuff is way too expensive. last channukkah, mr. jewy got me the ultimate uncheese cookbook by jo stepaniak. i've tried 4 or 5 of the recipes and there's one that i really have come to love: the tangy hot or cold chedda sauce on page 69. to make it more awesome i added 1T of samba oelek and a handful of spanish olives in the blender with the recipe. yowza, that's a spicy cheez sauce!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009
attraction rather than promotion
it is much better to attract people to veganism via good ol' fashioned cooking rather than promotion. what do i mean by that? i mean make some effing cookies. these are the chocolate chip coconut cookies from vegan-a-go-go. we like them a whole lot here at the jewbacca ranch. the recipe calls for an egg substitute of your choice, and hands down the flax seed option works best!
a little over a year ago, when i told mr. jewy i was going vegan, he balked a little because he thought i was going to turn into a self-righteous killjoy who made food that tasted like dirt. he recalled a vegan friend of his in the early nineties that brought cookies to a party that tasted like ass. i informed him vegan cooking has come a looooong way since then, adding that just because someone is vegan doesn't mean they can cook. mr. jewy still ain't vegan, but he happily eats 98% of what i make and no longer drinks cow's milk. it's progress, not perfection--upgrades are good.
anyway, how do you deter people from veganism? pushing the issue. being uppity about your eating habits. talking about it while omnivores are eating-(*"eeew, how can you eat that? do you know how long meat rots in the colon?"), giving people gory pamphlets, or setting them down to a good ol' fashioned PETA endorsed animal abuse movie. seriously, why do people think this is a a quality method to bring peeps over to our side? we don't sit around and watch footage of people being killed to know that murder isn't a good idea. why would people want to watch this other than to get riled up or be seriously depressed? for the record, i don't want or need to see any of those movies to know what happens to animals. i don't need to read about the torture either. i've read about it once, and put the book down. i know animals live a life of torture for the sake of human taste and consumption. i actually have quite the (pun intended) beef with PETA that could easily fit into a series of blog entries, namely the organization's blatant fataphobia. after seeing a billboard that exploited a fat child sponsored by the organization, i wrote them telling them i'd never go vegan again because of them. now i guess, i'm happily eating my words. via cookies, of course.
*=look, i know omnivores give us the same crap about how we eat: "ewww...." isn't it irritating? then don't do it to them.
so again, make some baked goods. cookies, cakes, pies, and bars are the easiest things to make vegan. don't tell people what's in them or that they're vegan unless you have someone who is allergic to something at your workplace. marvel at their requests to have the recipe.
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