first, i start with some dough: graham cracker dough from vegan cookies invade your cookie jar and the pie plate shortbread from the same book.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
here's one tough cookie who is gonna (hopefully) take the cake!
first, i start with some dough: graham cracker dough from vegan cookies invade your cookie jar and the pie plate shortbread from the same book.
Monday, May 23, 2011
going bananas. oops, i mean i'm going plantains.
i so needed it. i'm feeling a little down about this whole vida vegan con contest thingy. once again, i didn't win the coveted tickets, but jessica rose western did, and it was well deserved. congrats, jessica! i won't lie, i'm really bummed and trying to not have a pity party about the whole thing. i know many people want to go, and boy oh boy how i've tried! i've submitted for the scholarship because i'm poor-(*and i'm not talking about that kind of working student poor, i'm talking here's the water level and here is my nose), i couldn't afford the half off ticket rate, couldn't afford the reduced ticket rate, and by the time the rate was full price, we got our tax refund, but i had to set my VVC dreams aside because my family and pets needed the money more than i needed to go. so i entered contests. i entered the CB contest and jess's contest. i didn't know about tami's contest at vegan appetite or i would have been movin' and shakin' to enter that one too.
i have an amount of pride in being a vegan on a shoestring budget, but holla to ya honey when events like this come along. being poor really, really, really sucks. i also have an awesome amount of perspective and realize that all of my problems, even the dilemma of being a working class american is a first world human problem. i have a home. it is not foreclosed. i have a family that is healthy. i have food to eat and clean drinking water. i am not an animal in a factory farm. i am not even an animal at some "free range" or "happy" farm. i am a human with an enormous amount of luxuries.
okay, end of pity party. back to cooking. back to the drawing board.
i'm dusting my hiney off and hopping back on the contest horse by entering vegtastic voyage's no talent contest and will create an edible self portrait. i finally have my idea nailed down, and have been busily preparing the work. i'm crossing my fingers on this one--i have just got to win. if i do, it will be the biggest underdog vegan blogging achievement ever.
eat well, be happy, have some perspective, and for the love of plantains, stay vegan!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
this dessert is the bomb

i call these cookie dough bombs. the idea was to make a giant bon-bon of snickerdoodle cookie dough and chocolate cover a bite of coconut bliss very vanilla. very messy, but oh-so good!
by the way, when i plug a product on my blog, a) i really mean what i say about something being awesome or not so awesome and b) i get no kickbacks whatsoever. i don't wake up from my dreams of bowling with bob barker and weird al to find a fancy vegan care package on my kitchen doorstep containing goodies from companies that carry specialty products. i'm a vegan mom on a shoestring. i make i am constantly looking for things on sale, because i can't afford $6 for a pint of ice cream or $4 for a bag of specialty chocolate chips. do you hear me companies? betta recognize--please think of me when you hang out with santa claus, that's all i'm sayin'.

i let the dough chill in the fridge for a few hours, rolled it out, and cut out little circles. i scooped small spoonfuls on the dough, and wrapped it up like a ball, then stuck back in the freezer while i prepped the chocolate. once the chocolate was melted, i stuck the balls with sucker sticks, dipped in the chocolate, put back on the plate, and stuck them back in the freezer for a second time.
verdict? with the patience of a saint and some more practice i could really refine these and make them better each time. this is the perfect dessert for someone who doesn't want to eat a whole pint of cookie dough ice cream, or if you really want to impress someone with a special treat.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
the full monty: my vida vegan con song contest submission

i'm shameless. i'm funny. here's my submission. i'm hopefully going to this conference. wish me luck, dedicated readers!
kathleen, i hope you have a sense of humor and can understand my submission as nothing but an homage to your body of work.
Vida Vegan Con-(sung to the tune of "Carnival" by Bikini Kill)
This is a song about vegan blogging madness
The "it" event of the year that only the veg heads know about
This is a song about grown adults getting together to discuss nooch, soy, and living gluten free
I wanna go
I wanna go
I wanna go to Vida Vegan Con
But it cost $250 bucks yeah
I wanna go to Vida Vegan Con
And hang out with other vegan bloggers yeah
Blog, Blog, Blog
Blog, Blog, Blog
I'll win that Voodoo Doughnut, if it forking kills me!
Gonna gain 20lbs. while I'm there
Gonna sit in a chair
Recipes and some pie
Feel so good I'm gonna cry
Blog, Blog, Blog
Blog, Blog, Blog
It's in PDX
That's where you'll find me, yeah!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
the bounce back: kitchen sink tapas
i have one more shot at scoring tix. i'm entering jess's contest at get sconed. if i don't get it, then that's it. i'll work to make it happen next year.
nothing brings me outta the funk better than hopping right back on the creative horse and cookin' stuff. my family lives on a super tight budget, so it's not often that i get my hands on fancy things. i scored some spring roll wraps at the food pantry-(and like an idiot, threw away the wrapper without writing down the name), some potatoes from the rabbi, and the rest of the stuff was in my pantry. dang, i wish i could remember what brand they were. i'll have to scan the asian market next time i'm in town. i'm sure they can't be too horribly expensive. cheaper than a pint of CB for sure.
i shall call these dearies kitchen sink tapas. i love those spring roll wraps. you can do so much with them--the possibilities are endless! you could do taste of thai tapas-(tofu/seitan in peanut sauce with carrots/broccoli), cauli n' cheez tapas, sweet tapas-(i'm thinking lots of nuts and agave!), mini pies, s'more tapas, etc.
you'll need
- package of vegan spring roll wrappers-(the wheat kind, for frying. check ingredients. you could easily make these GF with the rice ones)
- can of re fried beans
- can of rotel tomatoes with green chiles
- one batch of pine nut crema from tery hope romero's viva vegan!
- 6-10 roasted red potatoes, cubed
- kale torn to small shreds *optional and for color only
- canola oil spray
preheat oven for three fiddy. spray a muffin pan with canola oil and set aside. gently separate spring roll wrappers and fold one at a time into squares. they don't have to be perfect. by themselves they won't sit in each section, but once you spoon the filling in they fit nice n' cozy. fill each in the following order in small spoonfuls: beans, crema, tomato/chile, potato and a little piece of kale. remember kiddos, you want the colors of the ingredients to take front stage, so don't put the crema on last unless that makes you happy. bake for about 28-30 minutes, checking to make sure edges don't burn. please-oh-please-oh please let these cool. THE CONTENTS WILL BE SUPER HOT, so please don't turn your tongue into cork by shoving one in your mouth. the nice thing about the wraps having edges that hang over is that they are a cinch to pull out of the tins.
so what are you waiting for? have fun, try this recipe at your next shindig, and for the love of tapas, stay vegan.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
taco embeleso
is it just me, or does this dish look a little um, dirty? this is my entry for the coconut bliss vida vegan con giveaway this year. i'm crossing my fingers like a kid with a vegan willy wonka dream of making it to the conference.(((whistling "i've got a golden ticket!"))) as you all know, i cannot make it there this year because i could not afford the ticket. our animal companions needed vaccinations, and both cars needed minor work. that easily ate $250+. i can't call myself a good vegan if i don't take care of my animals, right? so, i'm not going to sit and pout about it--i'm taking serious vegan action and get cooking. i thought i'd enter this contest and jess's song contest with dashing hopes. will it work? i can only hope. if i do make it, i've had a generous offer from someone who will help me with funding for travel, shelter, and food. isn't that beautiful?
know what else is beautiful? this dessert taco. i've been racking my brain for a name that is catchy and funny. no dice. but when i tried coconut bliss, i couldn't get the word bliss off my tongue. so i went with taco embeleso, which translates to taco enchantment.
dude, i was beyond enchanted with the ice cream all by itself. coconut bliss is hands down the CLOSEST THING to real rich and creamy ice cream, no joke. i used pretty much the last $6 in my bank account to buy it for the recipe, but it was worth every penny. there's only one local place that carries it, and they only carry the vanilla, coconut, and chocolate, so my options were limited for dessert creations. so i thought!
jewbacca's taco embeleso (serves one hungry me, or a loving couple)
you'll need:
- a cinnamon sugar tortilla-*our grocery store bakery makes vegan ones.
- 1/2 t of earth balance, divided in two 1/4 t portions
- 1 t of brown sugar
- 1/4 c chocolate chips
- 2-3T of your favorite non-dairy milk
- additional cinnamon sugar
- FRESH pineapple slices
- coconut bliss, vanilla island flavor
first things first: start grilling that pineapple. get out a non stick skillet, set to 5 and put EB in it. get the pineapple good and brown, then add the brown sugar. once cooked, set aside in a small dish. now grill the tortilla in the remaining 1/4 t of EB, making sure to brown both sides. sprinkle both sides generously with add'l cinnamon sugar and set aside to cool. in a double boiler, melt chocolate chips and add the non dairy milk until you get a nice smooth sauce. you could always use a vegan chocolate syrup if you so desire. once your tortilla has cooled, assemble the taco like this: tortilla, two big scoops of CB vanilla island, pineapple, and chocolate sauce. don't be surprised if your tongue turns into a mariachi band.
when you're done, don't forget to lick the plate.
Monday, May 2, 2011
delayed post! pesach noshlings
my undoing was making them too damned big and mashing the potatoes too much. they didn't hold well as they baked and looked like blobby fritters instead of kittee's pretty samosas. my taste buds did not know the difference. passover is an awesome time for gluten free folk because jews are not allowed to eat anything with wheat, barley, spelt, rye, and oats. jews of ashkenazi (eastern european origin) must refrain from what is known as kitnyiot-(translates to "little things") which includes corn, rice, and all legumes. if you're a vegan this is doable, but an enormous pain in the ass. last year, i stepped up to the plate and tried it just to see if i could do it. whew! never again. this is the first year in a decade where i did not quasi kasher my home or adhere to refraining from the fab five grains. i wanted to be free from being a slave to tradition. i had a "tater seder" (loaded baked potatoes, asparagus, and cake) in my home with a couple of friends, told a very modified version of the exodus to my toddler, and had a really relaxing time.
jewbacca's tsimmes
1 large sweet potato, peeled n' cubed
1/2 c. prunes chopped or about 8 whole, set aside
1/2 c. golden raisins, set aside
4 cups shredded carrots
1 c. orange juice
2 t cinnamon
1/2 t cardamom
1/4 t nutmeg
1/4 c maple syrup
1 t olive oil
couple pinches of salt
preheat the oven to three fiddy. put the sweet potatoes and carrots in a 9x13 glass baking dish. mix the syrup, oil, spices, and pour over the vegetables. disperse the prunes and raisins evenly. finally sprinkle the pinches of salt over the dish, cover with foil, and cook the shit out of the mixture until it is a glorious mushy melding of flavors. this usually takes 60-75 minutes. check it with a fork, baby!
NOTE: leftover tsimmes can be pureed and added to a standard pancake or waffle mix for some bomb-assed waffles. your vegetable hating children will not know what hit them.
NEXT TIME on TPITA Vegan i will AMAZE you all with my very own coconut bliss dessert creation. buckle your tongue's seat belt because it is gonna go for a ride!
remember kids, mediocre food pics are okay as long as the food rocks. be well, eat joyously, and for the love of samosas, stay vegan!
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