you'd think he'd have licked the plate clean, right? wrong. he tore it apart and told me he wanted a cereal bar.
Ms. Woz, gave me the honor of The Versatile Blogger Award. I was flattered because there are so many other vegan blogs out there that are way cooler than mine that get much more traffic. But there's my dirty secret folks: I associate success with the number of people who like and visit. Very lame. I should just focus on what makes me happy.
Seven things about me:
1) I will not lie. I love TV. TV told me so. I understand why one would cut themselves off from the boob tube, but I always laugh inside when someone gets all high n' mighty about how everyone should "kill their television." Have they not seen the wonders of America's Funniest Home Videos, True Blood, Breaking Bad, The Simpsons, and Web Soup?
2) I don't think fat jokes are funny. Ever.
3) People who are super militant about anything--good or bad do very little to help their cause. I understand one's drive and passion, but if you're just acting like the po-po about your activism, people will just make fun of you.
4) I was married in a Simpson's themed wedding in May of 2003. I dressed as Marge, and Mr. J dressed as Homer. When we weren't contacted about the Simpson's documentary hosted by Morgan Spurlock, I sat shiva. We were ROBBED!
5) My kids are cute. I'm not just saying that because I'm their mother. My spouse and I are amazed we won the genetic crap shoot twice.
6) My dream job is to own my own vegan b&b and catering service.
7) I have no interest in creating my own vegan cook book. There are just too many out there! I do have an idea for a good vegan book-(tenting fingers). I'd share it with you, but I'd have to kill you.
Now for the blogger love! I present the following amazing blogs with The Versatile Blogger award:
vegan appetite-tami is one of the vegan cooking community's best kept secrets. she really deserves more publicity.