i wish i could tell you i've liked everything i've tried. the recipe for the nacho cheez sauce on pg. 65 was NASTY and i made the following adjustments: add the juice of 1 lemon, 1T of frank's red hot instead of cayenne, up the nooch to 3/4 cup, and up the soy milk to 2 1/2 cups. that made the sauce PERFECT.
the most recent recipe i've made from the book is the buffalo mostarella (pg 163). pics are above and below. for shitz and giggles, i poured the cheez batter in an old fish mold i had lying around. while making this cheez, i couldn't help but to think of donny MOST (aka ralph malph) from happy days. i'm not sure if donny is a vegan, and i don't really care. so i've re-named the cheez Donny Most-arella. the results were mediocre but amusing, just like donny's acting career. it took to the mold quite well, and as the recipe states you'll need a wet or greased knife to cut the cheez (((guffaw))) because it's sticky. this is a very tangy, soft, powerful cheez. it doesn't melt well, and shouldn't be eaten alone. it reminded me of something more in the brie family that should be paired with fresh fruit and table water crackers.
what recipes have you tried that weren't as great as you had hoped?
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