i have no idea how i'm going to maintain this blog since cookie has arrived. i spend my days working hard at not doing anything per doctor's orders--such is the life of someone after major surgery. i've watched more t.v. than i ever have in the past year, including finally seeing the movie
die hard. for all of you who happen to be movie enthusiasts out there, there's a particular line in this flick that mr. willis exclaims, "yipee ki-yay mother$%^&*#!"
typically, the yippee and the ki-yay exclamation is uttered only from cowboys. everyone should know this that has seen a tex avery cartoon or watched an old western. i'm not opposed to obscenities or cowboys, but i found it funny to see a young bruce willis-(with hair!) utter this sentence. i found it even crazier to see a young alan rickman-(aka snape from harry potter movies). i hardly recognized him! but that's neither here nor there. the question i want answered is:
can a cookie be so good that it would make someone cuss? absolutely!
i imagine bruce said this after having one of isa's
cowboy cookies from
vegan cookies invade your cookie jar!

i made a batch of these prior to my daughter's arrival. i had mad plans to do more baking from this cookbook, but i can't do squat for another few weeks. this recipe made plenty and freezes well. just defrost and warm in microwave. of course, they're best out of the oven.

sorry for the flash photography--i can't wait for winter to be over so i can take decent outside shots of food again. the recipe suggests using a vegan butterscotch chip along with the chocolate chips, but i'm not from the east coast and have no access to the coveted price chopper brand butterscotch chips. i also didn't feel like paying an arm and a leg to buy them online. i might have to do this if i make them in the future, though.