
Monday, September 28, 2009

one more post before vegan mofo 3

note the wonderful cross section of this bread. moisty-pumpkiny-chocolatey goodness.
this here is miki's pumpkin bread. the recipe makes two fabulous loaves, perfect for sharing. every year at rosh hashana peeps from shul bring lots of sweets to eat after the big erev rosh service-(imagine if you will tables and tables of fresh fruit, chocolate, cookies, etc.) but there's never much for the vegans. actually, there aren't many vegans at temple, but among all the wacky food allergies, there should be, so i brought both loaves! i didn't stick around for the reception, because my little one was preparing for a meltdown. besides--i make sure my home is stocked with plenty of sweets to eat year 'round.

so this will be my last post until october. i need a few days to take a break, stock up the food porn photos, and get some ideas in line for veganmofo 3. * note the link holds the guidelines for last year. if you're interested in participating this year, see kittee's blog and drop her a line. at first i thought i'd have a theme, but with the hectic life i lead, i'll be lucky to get a quick entry in every day during the mofo. i'm pretty excited to read my bloggin' buddies entries during this time and hope to get some new recipe ideas.


  1. yum! i LOVE pumpkin bread! that's awesome that you brought some to temple.

    Thanks for your nice comment about my layout and 1/2 marathon! If you ever come to AZ again, we'll hit up green together!

  2. Pumpkin and chocolate=THE BEST SHIT EVER!

  3. that sounds really good. i'm craving baked goods today but am too lazy to get off my butt and cook any.

  4. Yum!
    I'm conserving my energy for MoFo too!

  5. Yum! I need to make some more sweet bread! Wait, I still have some sweet tater bread in the freezer....damn, sometimes I wish there were two of me so I could eat more.

    Ready for the mofo madness!!!!

  6. Hi Jen,
    I'm not sure if the ice cream would work without the alcohol. It probably would taste good, but it might be rock-hard for scooping. Sorry I'm not more help.

    Great looking pumpkin bread!

    Glad to see you are doing MoFo!

  7. Mmmm Your pumpkin bread sounds soooo good!
