
Monday, September 24, 2012

I'm BAAAAACK and Vegan 2012 MOFO theme revealed!

Okay, dedicated readers of family, friends, and fellow dorks. I'm back. And so is my appetite. Finally, right? I have been eating all three meals and some snacks for a couple of weeks now. Yay!

So I've had some time to think about what I really want to do with this blog. That PITA Vegan needs a makeover, don't you think? So I thought I'd start with my 2012 MOFO theme starting in October. What's a Vegan MOFO, you ask? It's the vegan Month Of FOod, and all of us veg heads from around the world devote an entire month to blogging about all things vegan. I'm a huge fan of the AMC series The Walking Dead, and wanted to make a MOFO zombie apocalypse theme, only dedicated to plant based foods instead of brrrrraaaaaiiiiins. I'm still taking a break until then to sling some hash in the kitchen, take pictures, and pick my nose. But I won't eat the boogers because, while that might technically be vegan, it's gross city.

Another goal of mine is that I want to use my talents in writing to up the ante of my voice on this blog. I've taken a mostly nicey nice tone with my writing, keeping the vegan peace, trying not to be too obnoxious, and I still want to say that I'm not one of those Douchey Mc Judgey vegans. I just don't have it in me to be the food police-(hum the tune to that one song by Cheap Trick).

What I DO have is a really an enormous and sarcastic mouth, so I'm gonna be bringing more of that to the table. What does this mean? Well, I'm going to attempt to be funny and make fun of the ridiculousness that is known as the omnivore diet, which will seem like I'm making fun of you. Why? Because everyone gagged at my booger joke in the earlier paragraph, but there are some of you out there still eating cheese and that's fucked up. Americans want to know why they are so sick? Look no further than the fork you bring to your mouth. Seriously, no one would dream of eating brains, but you'll eat a hot ham n' cheese? Makes no sense at all to me.

I'll be writing about more than just food, but my vegan obsessions, namely other famous vegans. Because it is important to know that there are so many of us in this wacky army of grass munchers--enough to put up a good fight once it becomes 'packy time-(thanks Patton Oswald). And I'll still stand by my ideals to say that being vegan is NOT hard, NOT expensive, and can be a ton of fun. It also makes one incredibly sexy, so says my many admirers. Hey, a dozen dorks can't be wrong--am I right or what?

So, I'll see you in October ready to bring on the vegan version of scrambled brains, zombie fingers, and some other fun stuff. Then I'll be back to my old once or twice a week blogging self in November.

Thanks for sticking with me during this tough time. 2012 has been brutal. With the new Jew year here, I want to turn it all around for myself and for you dedicated readers.


  1. Can't wait...your theme sounds amazing!

    And bring on the snark!

  2. Can't wait! I loved your theme last year and this seem like awesome one s well. Now I only need to watch the show...

  3. Welcome back to the blogging world - I enjoy reading what you have to say, even if I'm not vegan :)

    I'm going to be going to the Track Queens Battle Royal, a European wide Roller Derby contest in November.

  4. Nice to hear from you again! I'm excited about the upcoming sarcastic-ness and such, I always appreciated your straight-up manner of speech! And an appetite is a terrible thing to lose, I'm glad you got it back!

  5. Good to see you back, ramped up sarcasm and it! :)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Dude!! That's a wicked theme, and I'm totes excited to see what you come up with! Yay, MoFo :D
