
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

OYMST Day #3: Hey Everybody, Have You Seen My Balls?

Don't be fooled. This isn't a cookie, or candy. It's a ball of energy boosting goodness. Don't get me wrong, it's NOTHING like any of the sweets I'd like to be nomming right about now. It does sate the ol' sweet tooth though. I was looking at the complicated ingredients of a Larabar and thought to myself: I've done this before, and I can do it again. Chocolate Covered Katie has about a hundred versions of these things and they're all the talk of the vegan blogosphere. Don't be so intimidated, It's basically the following:

1 c. dates, soaked overnight
1T cocoa powder
1/4 c. cashews
1/4 c. quick oats

After you've worn your patience pants and let your dates soak overnight, you might want to check the bathtub to see if they're all still alive. I kid, I kid. I'm talking about the fruit date, not the person/people you brought home with you last night. I think I just opened up a can of corny jokes.

Seriously, drain your dates, squeezing them slightly, and reserve 1/4 of the date water. (((giggle)))This makes an excellent sweetener for coffee and tea! (((more giggles))) Put the dates, whatever water is left, cashews, cocoa, and oats in a food processor and blend it. It will be sticky and messy. Make some balls out of that concoction and store in them in the fridge.

Tell me about a challenge you went through and how it transformed your life. Did you read all the Harry Potter books overnight? Did you re-enact Rock N' Roll High School with your friends? Did you eat all your veggies? Run a marathon? Tell me about it, stud.

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