
Friday, October 28, 2011

MOFO Day #28 True Grub: Behold The Pork Rind Casserole

When Hoyt's mamma isn't making her infamous fruit loop pancakes or butterfinger enchiladas, she's perfecting her pork rind casserole. When I heard her offer her culinary skills to Sam during the final episode of the most recent season, I rewound the clip. Pork Rind Casserole? WTF? I'm so on that.

My Alma Matter Interweb Universiteh gave me a brief history: it's a casserole topped in pork rinds. It can be sweet or savory--ew! Most recipes were the things of church potlucks everywhere: something cheesy, something starchy, some vegetable to make it appear healthy, and topped with pork rinds. Simple enough.

I looked high and low online for this crazy snack and found some, but really didn't have it in my budget to pay $6 plus $12 to ship. Sigh. Online businesses. One of my vegan pals mentioned using rice pasta and I dismissed it. Then I started thinking about it, " I do have a ton of rice wraps. How am I going to do this?" I whined. My spousal unit shrugged his shoulders and said, "Well soak the rice wrap, blot with a paper towel and fry it in that vegan bacon grease you made the other day."

What an awesome spouse he is. And seriously, with a mind like that he needs to just go vegan already.

So I did just that.

Fryin' the pork rinds. It does take a while, so you need to be patient. Read a book but do it by the stove, because you're gonna fry the shit out of some rice paper wraps.
Finished product. Of course I tasted them. For the omni and newly vegan set--they tasted all for the world like chicken skin cross bred with pork skin. Salty and greasy.
Casserole comes to fruition: cubed baked potatoes, cheddar daiya, broccoli, onions, creamed corn, plain oat milk, garlic powder, onion powder, and some salt. Topped with vegan pork rinds lightly salted in garlic salt and baked at 350 for about 30 minutes covered, then 10 minutes uncovered.

Did you notice that was gluten free? I hope so.

I did take this to my UU all congregation church pot luck and it was gone in less than 10 minutes.


  1. I noticed too. I used to love pork rinds ::shudder:: I'm getting to make rice paper rolls but might have to save out a few of the wrappers!!

  2. WOW. Never did I think I'd see a vegan pork rind!

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  4. Yummm, J.
    You'll find moe delicious, mouthwaterin
    goodies in the Great Beyond.

    Coming to my BIG-ol,
    John Belushi, party-hardy
    in Seventh-Heaven ..??
    The world passes away,
    we cannot stay,
    even if we pay trillions
    which nobody has anyway.
    So, gain altitude, dude,
    never attitude.
    God bless your indelible soul.
