
Saturday, November 13, 2010


no, it ain't made of pandas--that wouldn't be vegan. nope, doesn't look like a panda either. that would just be too obvious.
this is for the ever amazing pandacookie. if my memory serves me correctly, no one can get thrown out of airports or barnes and nobles like she can. she has this way of bringing out the best in vegans and the worst in store clerks i guess. she's also an awesome craftatarian. go buy her stuff for that special someone this holiday. you won't be sorry! so let's talk about this cookie: what's in it? well, i miss peanut butter twix bars. i'm not even sure if panda likes them or not, i just took a wild guess. i believe with my heart of hearts that she would make something like this.
to assemble the pandacookie, you need the following:

  • once cooled cover, ice them with a strip of peanut butter frosting. to make frosting use 3T Earth Balance melted, 1/2 c powdered vegan sugar, 1.5T peanut butter, and a splash of milk. you might have to add more stuff to make more frosting. these are approximate measurements. i pretty much am guilty of the eyeballing thing, which works 97% of the time for me.

  • melt yourself some vegan chocolate chips and slather the bar with frosting. set in fridge to cool. be patient. serve with your favorite ice cold non-dairy beverage or cup of coffee. feel the panda cookie.

don't be surprised if you write a rap or two.

the MOFO recap, week #2:
  • cold n' sleepy candy apple waffles
  • the juggamoh burger
  • annie eggplant loaf with VTT lac-taters
  • oops i did it again sundae
  • adamcrisis fridgey feng shui

this week at the PPK cafe:
special stuff for you gluten free folks!