
Sunday, November 1, 2009

MOFO conclusions and a late Halloween post

NOTE: this isn't a food post, but i will discuss some MOFO musings, a skeleton baking pan, and post some gnawdorable pics of my son trick or treating.

first off, i didn't end MOFO with a bang like i had wanted to. i believe i made the 20 post minimum. i didn't even count. i followed mo's instructions, pacing myself with posts, and reading other people's blogs. it was a struggle, but i did it. i'd give myself a grade of a "B". next year will be better.

secondly, let me tell you the story about how i acquired this rad skeleton muffin tin. i had been eyeballing it since october 1st at target-(much like wayne from wayne's world eyeballed that axe he desired--telling the muffin pan "oh yes, you will be mine"), but being the bargain gal i am, i refused to pay full price for the pan and knew it would go on clearance one month later. sure enough, during our weekly shopping i noticed they weren't moving. we had mad plans to go to target first thing this a.m. so i could get that baking pan half off. i didn't really want anything else!

so we get to the store at 8:10 and there are gaggles of peeps with their carts piled high-(can you say mountainous?) around the halloween stuff. i had no idea that people could be so passionate about holiday clearance items: they were like zombies dismembering racks of costumes and boxes of lights. who really needs 4 french maid dog costumes? i suppose someone with four dogs, but the consumerism scared me a little. my heart sank as i saw three or four people who had cleared all of the baking stuff with multiple pumpkin shaped cake pans, batty cookie cutters, and the muffin tins i had been yearning so desperately for and well-- i snapped. in a pregnancy hormone induced rage i audibly-(not yelled, but said aloud to myself) "you have to be KIDDING me! all i wanted was a skeleton muffin tin, and i can't get one because people are too fucking greedy!" not two seconds later, a woman came around the corner--looking down at the floor as knowing what she had done was wrong and said, "um, you know--i accidentally grabbed a few of these. why don't you take this one?" and handed me the skull muffin tin.

now kids, i know that wasn't very mature, boy howdy it wasn't. was that my best jewbacca moment? hardly. am i really proud of myself for behaving that way? i don't know just yet--perhaps i'll suffer some sort of weird karmic baking retribution and never get the results i want from these said tins. i will selfishly disclose this to you my passionate gaggle o ' vegan baking readers: for once my ability to induce jewish guilt and publicly utter profanity at the same time paid off.

post MOFO question: how do you think you did? have you ever had a temper tantrum over buying a cooking instrument or ingredient? what was it?
about my son's halloween excursion--doesn't look like a very happy yoda, now does he? he was petrified at the first house we visited because the yard was all decked out like a haunted house. after two more houses, he made the candy connection and by the fourth house we visited--he was running up with all his jedi powers, pressing his face against the door. we never got him to say "trick or treat!" even once. he did say, "fank you, bye-bye" before he returned to the swamp of dagoba.

happy belated halloween. i think i might take a few nights off blogging. i know i don't look very prego in that picture, but trust me--the belly sticks out and i'm very uncomfortable. i'll make sure to post a few good entries before ms. cookie gets here.


  1. Good for you! That lady did take too many skull pans, and she wouldn't have realized the error of her ways if you hadn't said something!

  2. I dunno; I've never been pregnant but I can definitely imagine that pregnancy hormones + post-holiday Target greedy-ass shoppers would render it nearly impossible to censor oneself. So maybe you'll suffer one less-than-stellar batch of muffins when karma strikes back... the tin is TOTALLY worth it.

    Little Yoda is adorable. If he'd come to my house last night he would have gotten extra candy.

  3. Aw, glad you got the pan! I've made that same early morning trip to Target the day after Valentine's for a heart cupcake tree...fortunately, I was the only one interested and it was mine with no issues.

    Your son is adorable in his yoda costume!

    And thanks for the mixed CD! Its in my car stereo now. Who is the funny singer-songwriter guy? I like 'em.

  4. That is one funny story! I'm not pregnant and I've said things way too loudly before. But at least you got your tins. Yep, people are wicked greedy at those post holiday sales. I never understood buying something just because it was half off. Who needs four skeleton baking pans, really?!

  5. Fantastic story! :) you're fabulous! Glad you got the tin...will be great for some creep tastic muffies.

  6. hey, just letting you know I think you did a great job with MOFO this year!
