
Monday, November 30, 2009

the arrival of cookie

hey readers, guess what! i had cookie. she came outta the oven a tad bit early--but she's here and we're doing well. that's why i haven't blogged in 4 eva. i'll try to keep up, but right now my priorities are all about making sure this little gal is getting fed...and that girl is hungry. all. the. time!
long story, but i ended up having a c-section, which means i'm not really doing much cooking right now. and since cookie came right before thanksgiving, my mad plans to whoop it up in the kitchen were foiled and i was a tad depressed about it. i can't lift anything heavy, and i need to take it easy. well, on day two home from the hospital, mr. jewbacca woke me up from a much needed nap to show me how much he loves me: he made THE entire vegan thanksgiving spread you see before you and bought a vegan pumpkin pie from the local food co-op. keep in mind, mr. jewy is an omnivore and didn't have to do this. i was moved to tears.
shown above: mashed sweet potatoes, regular mashed potatoes with tofurkey giblet gravy, tofurkey, and my favorite--green bean casserole. we didn't have any cranberry sauce so i sprinkled the top with dried cranberries. i know this sounds gross, but it tastes really good.

i hope everyone had a great holiday!


  1. Congratulations-- and that's so sweet of your husband.

    Heal quickly.

  2. Congrats! I'm sure you will heal quickly with such a terrific hubby taking care of you! Enjoy your babymoon!p

  3. I was just are thinking about you today and wondering if it was baby time. Congratulations!!!

  4. Oh my gosh, congratulations! A Thanksgiving baby! Your husband's awesome--definitely a keeper!

  5. Congratulations!! Your husband is a sweetie pie!

  6. Congratulations! She is beautiful!
    What a wonderful Mr. you have, too.

  7. Congrats! :) And kudos to your husband! What a guy!

  8. Congrats Jen! The two of you are so freaking cute I can't handle it!

  9. ahhhh!!!! already?! congrats :)

  10. Congrats on that gorgeous baby! And also congrats for having a thoughtful husband! This entire entry made me SQUEE!

  11. omg congrats!!!! You both look amazing! Hope you are feeling wonderful? Hugs to you and cookie!
