
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

product review! NOTE: not food related

out of food porn, so it's time for a product review. i don't think i've ever reviewed a vegan body product. so let's take a look at tom's of maine, shall we? i think mr. jewbacca scored this as a freebie at cvs. i was excited about it being vegan.

here's the problem. it smells good, but it's only effective if you apply it every few hours. i found that at the end of the day even though i've showered and used this stuff, i reek with the stench of a gutter punk that has been attending a protest. pee-yew! and all of you gutter punks, yes--i DO love you, but not the funk. that's why i don't think i ever really fit in with y'all.

i think i'll stick with the old tried n' true crystal stick deodorant. y'know, the stuff you buy at the co-op that's just a salt stick that lasts for five or six years. that stuff rocked and to my knowledge was perfectly vegan.


  1. Too funny you should post this - just today I tried a brand other than Tom's of Maine. I think the Tom's of Maine sortof smells like wet dog, so I tried a Kiss My Face scent, that, while very pleasant smelling, left ME smelling like um, a gutter punk. Hahaha! Those crystal deodorants last that long!? Holy smokes! :)

  2. I love this post. I've never tried the crystal stuff though.

  3. The crystal is great. But if you get tired of it try oyin handmade's funk butter. They are a great family owned company with several vegan products. Their customer service responds really quickly if you have a question & they give FULL ingredient disclosure. Check them out @

  4. I smell like a gutter punk right now :)

  5. I entirely agree! I have been using one of these for about two weeks now, and in a few hours post application I feel sweaty and smelly indeed.

  6. I totally agree with you about smelling like gutter punk....

    Wow - 30 weeks. You must be getting...errr....excited? How are you feeling? I hear you about the liking kids/not liking pregnancy thing. I was just saying to K the other night that I am not really ever interested in doing that bit again. Though I would love another baby.

    I am sending you warm sister-power-punk thoughts! You will make that little baby a very happy little soul. Hugs and kisses!

    oh - and Aodhan's name is pronounced Aidan. It is the Irish Gaelic spelling and we went with that one because Kevin and I are both a little Irish (who isn't?) and it has connections to a trip we took to northern england a few years back (St. Aodhan). Also, it is a pain in the butt to spell for people, and so is my name, so we thought we would keep the tradition alive!

  7. Good to know! I almost bought one then decided to go with the crystal due to it's longevity. we don't need no stinkin'....

  8. Ha! Tom's of Maine is kinda crappy like that. I used to use it because it was the only vegan deodorant I knew of, but I had to re-apply every couple of hours...I, too, do not fit in with gutter punks for the very same reason — I like to smell good.

    I'm currently using Earth Science brand. I found it at Whole Foods and it actually works most of the day, but I typically reapply at least once in the afternoon to be safe.

  9. Uh - this worries me. I've been using Tom's (the unscented kind - the others are a little too fruity/flowery for me) - but I haven't noticed any gutter-punk smell. I've asked a few people after I started using it if they smelled something funky, but they said no. I hope they were just trying to be nice. If anyone ever meets me in person, please call me out on my funk, I would appreciate it!

    I also started trying Desert Essence Tea Tree Oil deodorant, I kind of like it.

    Those crystal balls kind of weirded me out...maybe I'll try one out.

  10. I hate Tom's. It makes my underarms sticky, and burny, and eventually stinky. I have Kiss My Face roll-on right now, but lots of days I end up smelly with that too- not horrible, but I know my pits aren't nice, which bugs me. It would be so awesome to find a natural vegan deo that didn't suck.

  11. I'm using a Tom's "long lasting" unscented deodorant right now because my city seems to be out of Dessert Essence right now. Damn, do I miss it.

    However, I will say that my male companion swears by his Tom's woodspice. (I think he just likes calling himself a spicy woodsman.)
