
Monday, August 11, 2008

a vegan blog ain't a vegan blog without....

....good ol' fashioned food porn! no, i'm not talking about doing it with food.

here are some tasty lemon corn waffles with blueberry sauce and a bit of soy yogurt on top. they were dee-lish! i made these for me and vin on sunday morn. i snagged the recipe from "Vegan With a Vengeance" by Isa Chandra Moskowitz. it's important for non-vegans to know that we don't suffer one bit and eat REALLY WELL. i had never had home-made waffles before. now that my tongue has had this awesome experience, i don't think i could ever have a frozen one again.


  1. Hi, great blog! I definitely need to get a waffle maker...

  2. thanks! i also find nachos to be great comfort food.
