
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

don't send the VP after me....

no worries, i haven't eaten any animals. i have been killing insects, specifically large scary spiders and those annoying carpenter ants. i know i shouldn't do it--just take them outside and let them be, but big scary spiders well---they just scare me! ants are unsanitary and annoying. what to do?

the food porn is from a recipe i found online for roasted yellow squash hummus pizza. as usual i improvised because i thought the recipe needed more color. i added green squash, roasted red peppers, and sun dried tomatoes. the pitas were packaged as "for kids" and snowman shaped. vin got 'em on clearance a while ago, so we froze 'em for future use.


  1. I love love love the idea of adding the sundried tomatoes!

    Looks great. Yes for the colour choice!

  2. Sounds so delicious! I would buy snowman-shaped pitas in a heartbeat!

  3. and it was tasty, very tasty.

  4. Mmm...hummus pizza! A local pub in Memphis just started serving a hummus pizza and this reminds me that I need to get over there and try it.

    On the bugs, I hate to do it, but when ants and, ick, roaches (which are everywhere in Memphis...they don't call it the Dirty South for nothin') get inside my house, I usually go in for the kill. I can't have 'em gettin' in my food.

    I don't kill spiders though...unless they're brown recluses.
